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Niebezpieczne chwile meczu Lubelski Węgiel KMŻ vs Orzeł Łódź

Utworzony przez Ethere;, 17 lipca 2010 r. o 11:22
TU możecie zobaczyć niebezpieczne chwile z tego meczu, między innymi płonący motocykl Karola Barana.
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The valve is bellow valve and Steel globe valve in the fluid transport system control unit has a cut-off regulation Pneumatic butterfly valve and Flanged butterfly valve , diversion, to prevent the function of the counter-current Wafer butterfly valve and Stainless steel check valves , voltage regulators Lift check valve Swing Check Valve , shunt or overflow relief. All kinds of valves for fluid control valve of the system Forged gate valve Cast iron gate valve , from the most simple cut-off valve to the extremely complex automatic control system Stainless steel gate valve Brass gate valve , its varieties and specifications are quite numerous Flanged gate valve Wedge Gate Valve . The valve can be used to control the flow of air Trunnion ball valve High Pressure Ball Valve , water, steam Floating ball valve Flanged ball valve 3 way ball valve , and a variety of corrosive media, mud, oil Brass ball valve Pvc ball valve Stainless steel ball valve , liquid metal and radioactive media Forged Steel Ball Valve valve OEM valve company and other types of fluid
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