If your bad habit is you sway off the ball and you are working on swinging around a stable spine, this move will feel very different to you.You may even think it is wrong because it feels so different. In fact, there is a good chance that your golf game will suffer the next time you hit the course. Most golfers revert back to their old bad habit because of ego, embarrassment, or whatever... Don't fall into this trap... "There is no room for God in him who is full of himself." -- Hasidic saying These golfers will never get any better and will always stay on the same plateau they have been on for years. Some golfers have been on the same plateau as far as golf skill level for 30 or even 40 years. If you are happy with the plateau you are on. Fine. However, if you truly are committed to reaching that next level in your golf game you need to go through the pain of learning the proper moves which will eventually eliminate the bad habits you have acquired over the years. You will have to practice any new move in golf for 21 consecutive days before it becomes habit. This biological fact has already been proven by kinesthetic scientists. So accept it for crying out loud!! If this new golf move causes a major change in your golf swing with cheap golf clubs , I recommend only working on the new swing move and nothing else during this 21 day period. Divide the complex into simple parts... Master the simple and you will achieve greatness in your golf game! Don't work on too many things at the same time, this will lead to paralysis by analysis. If you decide you want to play golf during the period you are learning a new move. Play golf! Don't work on this new move on the course, dance with which you brought to the course. You should only be thinking about getting the ball in the cup in the least amount of strokes. Play golf.
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